Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Backward Glance Oil on canvas 16 x 20 NFS

  This painting is from a photo my son's fiance took in Alaska of a bear standing on a boulder at the edge of coursing steam, icebergs passing in the distance and glancing behind at something off to the viewers right. Is it an unseen cub? It doesn't appear to be dangerous as our bear is just waiting, as if saying "Hurry up! Mom's waiting. The was done with a Lukas magenta acrylic underpainting-which shows through in some areas-especially in the background-adding a depth of color to the field. Clearly our waiting bear is the center of our attention

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Boston oil on board 8 x 10

    New Boston is an old mining town near Leadville Colorado. It is nestled at the base of the distant peaks. I like the setting in this valley with a stream cutting through the meadow, tall spruces marching towards the peaks while the autumn golds and rusts contrast with the blues and purples of the mountain and the deep green of the firs and spruces.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Midwest Morning 8x10 oil on board

 This is a reworking of a previous painting-a bright dawn during Indian summer is casting a bright glow on the distant trees and march grass in the foreground. A mist is rising from the water, reflecting differences between the air and water temperature. The trunk of the birch trees on the distant shore-between two firs grabs our attention. This was done predominately with brush with palette knife to affect the textures of the foreground marsh.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Maroon Bells-After the Storm 11x14 oil on canvas (inquire)

    The storm has moved from the valley and is now in the distant mountain range-this is a coating of snow in the distant peaks and a hint in the valley walls. The warm colors of the fall aspen contrast with the snowy peaks. The valley walls, partially covered with aspen and firs frame the scene and keep the eyes from wandering off the canvas. This painting was done with both brush and palette knife.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Maroon Bells-After the Storm-preliminary 11x14 oil on canvas

    This is the preliminary underpainting and represents the first two layers of the painting. The first layer was done with a magenta and indian yellow Lukas acrylic paint. After drying this was followed with a thin wash of gray with various shading to accent the areas of the painting that will be darker than others. The overall shapes and relationships are present. A loose charcoal drawing was also incorporated and then diluted and shaded as the wash was applied. Although far from finished the overall relationship of structures in the painting is apparent.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago 11x14 oil on canvas

  This is a whimsical painting done with palette knife to celebrate the celebration in Chicago for the Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup. In the city various landmarks were decked out in celebration of the Hawks success. The lions outside the Art Institute, the dinosaur outside the Field Museum and the Jordan statue at the United Center-with, of course, the cup of Sir Stanley in the in middle.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Leaving Home oil on canvas 6x6

  This painting attempts to evoke the scene of a young girl, and her younger brother, leaving home. She exudes the confidence of one approaching the end of the driveway. Her younger brother, no  doubt dragged along, appears a bit more hesitant. Her head is straight ahead, all business, while his is slightly tilted towards, perhaps hoping to catch of glimpse of mom. She is carrying the suitcase with treasured belongings-no doubt hers. This is one of a series of painting to evoke scenes from childhood.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Waterfall at Lake Katherine oil on canvas 6 x 6

     Here is another example of differences in the photos taken of the same painting. I have attempted to photograph this painting many times with various lightings-all without success in capturing the texture and color-simultaneously. The top photo gives a sense of the texture with the palette knife and thick areas of paint, while the lower gives a sense of the color. If I could only get them together  in the same photo! The painting is better than the photo.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Little Miss Oil on Canvas 6 x6 Improved photo

 The bottom photos is the original photo of this painting as posted previously. The top photo represents a more recent photo that is actually more true to the painting itself. Sometimes I am unhappy with the posted paintings as photographed and will retake them over and over again. This is one instance where the differences are quite pronounced.  Tomorrows posting will have two additional photos of the same painting with also different results.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Looking Back Oil on Canvas 6 x 6

   This painting done with oil over a magenta acrylic underpainting is of a brown bear in the wilds of Alaska, heading into the brush when something, but not the viewer, causes him to glance backward. It is autumn with golds and reds contrasting with the green conifers. The boulder at ground level is covered with a light covering of snow adding contrast to the scene. A deep edge gallery wrapped canvas the scene continues onto the sides.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fly Fishing on Ten Mile Creek 11 x 14 oil on canvas

     This scene is adapted from Ten Mile Creek in Summit County Colorado. Here the creek flows along side Ten Mile Creek finally making its way into Lake Dillon. Fly fisherman abound in the mountain region as they attempt to catch trout in the rapidly moving mountain streams. Here is a late summer/early autumn day and although the sun is still high in the sky, the days are getting shorter and the leaves are changing early in the high country.