Tuesday, December 14, 2010

PUSH! oil on canvas 6x6

    Another loose painting. I suppose for the readers who are unsure as to what I mean by loose when referring to a painting some clarity might be useful. Loose here is referring to a brush-not tightly controlled. Lines are loose, edges are blurred, colors transition loosely and not with abrupt changes. It lends itself to an impressionist feel for although the margins are indistinct the viewer knows the artists intent. The mind is filling in the details from what is seen. Often it may a convey a sense of movement as well-certainly something desired here. The middle figure draws are attention with the largest color mass in the painting-also its warm colors contrast sharply with the cooler colors of the snow, but there is also the reflected color onto the snow from this figure.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Let's Go! Oil on canvas 6x6

      This loose composition done with brush contrasts the snow on the ground and the trees in the background (with the subdued colors) to the bright colors of our youngsters racing in the snow. The young lady on the left is dragging her friend behind on a sled as they race to a target, unseen behind the viewer.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Kaner" oil on canvas 6x6

  The third pose in the series-the next three posting after this will be same poses but with some slight differences-color of the ice-warmer or cooler, background, size of the child and the number. Here our little 'scoring machine' is posed for action-holding his stick and wearing his Patrick Kane sweater he is seeking to emulate his hero-one can only guess that his mouthpiece is being chewed like his hockey hero. Again the deep red of the Blackhawk sweater, with the tomahawk shoulder patches and the white numbers grab our eyes.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Waiting to Get In 6x6 oil on canvas

   One of a series of 6 paintings-based on several different poses that attempts to capture the joy of children's skating or playing pond hockey-while wearing the garments of their favorite players and team. Here our tyke is waiting for the chance to get back into the game, probably with some older brothers who would prefer he not tag along.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Little Miss Toews oil on canvas 6x6

  In this loose painting our little miss, proudly wearing her Jonathan Toews sweater, takes to the ice. Arms and legs in position she skates across the ice towards something in the distance. The red Blackhawks sweater grabs our attention (even if you are not from Chicago).  This is one of paintings I did-slightly different, with kids skating proudly in their hockey sweaters.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Table Waiting 6x6 oil on deep canvas

  This is from a photo I took outside Washington DC several years ago. The photo was of an outdoor cafe with iron chairs, white tablecloths and the sun hitting the tables and floor. Obviously I have changed the scene, if you will. The chairs are more formal, and the color scheme is with purple, some reds, whites and warm yellow in contrast to the more cool colors. It is done in a very loose impressionist style.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Newberry Library -fall oil on linen 4x6

  A very loose impressionist style painting of the Newberry Library in late October. The underpainting was done in magenta to offer a contrast to the other colors and create an underlying harmony to the color scheme.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kinzie Street Bridgeoil on canvas 8 x10

This is the third in the river series-you may notice that the limited palette and color scheme are consistent with the 2 previous in the series, the skies are a bit gray, but the bright colors grab the attention from the more muted colors of the sky, buildings and water. The bridge house in the mid foreground grabs our attention with its brighter color and square shape in contrast to the curving lines of the bridge behind.  Both palette knife and brush were utilized.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Michigan Avenue Bridge 8 x10 Oil on Canvas

 This is the second in the series of three of the Chicago River. Here the scene is looking southwest towards the south end of the Michigan Avenue Bridge over the river. There is a moodiness in the air. In the painting the cooler colors predominate. But this is contrasted with the warmer green in the water and the closer bridge tender and nearest building. The painting was done utilizing both brush and knife with a simplified palette.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Odgen Slip 8x 10 oil on canvas

  This is one of a series of the Chicago River (and environs). Here a tour boat has left the dock at Odgen Slip and is heading out to the Chicago River for a tour. The limited palette used here was also the same as the next two in the series. Here the palette knife added texture and depth to the canvas

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Have been having a problem with the photos of the paintings for the past 5-6 weeks. Have still been painting but the postings are way behind-hope to have the glitch fixed soon and then will be posting a large number of pieces over the next month or so.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Backward Glance Oil on canvas 16 x 20 NFS

  This painting is from a photo my son's fiance took in Alaska of a bear standing on a boulder at the edge of coursing steam, icebergs passing in the distance and glancing behind at something off to the viewers right. Is it an unseen cub? It doesn't appear to be dangerous as our bear is just waiting, as if saying "Hurry up! Mom's waiting. The was done with a Lukas magenta acrylic underpainting-which shows through in some areas-especially in the background-adding a depth of color to the field. Clearly our waiting bear is the center of our attention

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Boston oil on board 8 x 10

    New Boston is an old mining town near Leadville Colorado. It is nestled at the base of the distant peaks. I like the setting in this valley with a stream cutting through the meadow, tall spruces marching towards the peaks while the autumn golds and rusts contrast with the blues and purples of the mountain and the deep green of the firs and spruces.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Midwest Morning 8x10 oil on board

 This is a reworking of a previous painting-a bright dawn during Indian summer is casting a bright glow on the distant trees and march grass in the foreground. A mist is rising from the water, reflecting differences between the air and water temperature. The trunk of the birch trees on the distant shore-between two firs grabs our attention. This was done predominately with brush with palette knife to affect the textures of the foreground marsh.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Maroon Bells-After the Storm 11x14 oil on canvas (inquire)

    The storm has moved from the valley and is now in the distant mountain range-this is a coating of snow in the distant peaks and a hint in the valley walls. The warm colors of the fall aspen contrast with the snowy peaks. The valley walls, partially covered with aspen and firs frame the scene and keep the eyes from wandering off the canvas. This painting was done with both brush and palette knife.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Maroon Bells-After the Storm-preliminary 11x14 oil on canvas

    This is the preliminary underpainting and represents the first two layers of the painting. The first layer was done with a magenta and indian yellow Lukas acrylic paint. After drying this was followed with a thin wash of gray with various shading to accent the areas of the painting that will be darker than others. The overall shapes and relationships are present. A loose charcoal drawing was also incorporated and then diluted and shaded as the wash was applied. Although far from finished the overall relationship of structures in the painting is apparent.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago 11x14 oil on canvas

  This is a whimsical painting done with palette knife to celebrate the celebration in Chicago for the Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup. In the city various landmarks were decked out in celebration of the Hawks success. The lions outside the Art Institute, the dinosaur outside the Field Museum and the Jordan statue at the United Center-with, of course, the cup of Sir Stanley in the in middle.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Leaving Home oil on canvas 6x6

  This painting attempts to evoke the scene of a young girl, and her younger brother, leaving home. She exudes the confidence of one approaching the end of the driveway. Her younger brother, no  doubt dragged along, appears a bit more hesitant. Her head is straight ahead, all business, while his is slightly tilted towards, perhaps hoping to catch of glimpse of mom. She is carrying the suitcase with treasured belongings-no doubt hers. This is one of a series of painting to evoke scenes from childhood.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Waterfall at Lake Katherine oil on canvas 6 x 6

     Here is another example of differences in the photos taken of the same painting. I have attempted to photograph this painting many times with various lightings-all without success in capturing the texture and color-simultaneously. The top photo gives a sense of the texture with the palette knife and thick areas of paint, while the lower gives a sense of the color. If I could only get them together  in the same photo! The painting is better than the photo.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Little Miss Oil on Canvas 6 x6 Improved photo

 The bottom photos is the original photo of this painting as posted previously. The top photo represents a more recent photo that is actually more true to the painting itself. Sometimes I am unhappy with the posted paintings as photographed and will retake them over and over again. This is one instance where the differences are quite pronounced.  Tomorrows posting will have two additional photos of the same painting with also different results.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Looking Back Oil on Canvas 6 x 6

   This painting done with oil over a magenta acrylic underpainting is of a brown bear in the wilds of Alaska, heading into the brush when something, but not the viewer, causes him to glance backward. It is autumn with golds and reds contrasting with the green conifers. The boulder at ground level is covered with a light covering of snow adding contrast to the scene. A deep edge gallery wrapped canvas the scene continues onto the sides.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fly Fishing on Ten Mile Creek 11 x 14 oil on canvas

     This scene is adapted from Ten Mile Creek in Summit County Colorado. Here the creek flows along side Ten Mile Creek finally making its way into Lake Dillon. Fly fisherman abound in the mountain region as they attempt to catch trout in the rapidly moving mountain streams. Here is a late summer/early autumn day and although the sun is still high in the sky, the days are getting shorter and the leaves are changing early in the high country.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Little Miss Oil on Canvas 6x6 available

   Another in the children at the beach series. Here our little Miss is playing in the sand at the interface of the water and the land. Her purple sun hat with the yellow flower draws our attention. Her pail and green cart with her sun bleached torso form a triangle of activity that keeps our attention. Our little Miss is totally absorbed in her play time, while maintaining her lady-like pose-arms outstretched in a dainty posture.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm Swimming! Oil on Canvas 6 x6 available

   Another in the series of children at the beach this painting attempts to capture the moment when a young child is suspended in the water (or just above) for the first time. Here a young father is holding his young daughter so she just barely touches the water, as she grows comfortable with the sensation and the water. Here the bright sunlight bleaches the color in areas adding to the intensity of the scene. The refreshing cool blues in the water contrast to the implied heat of the bright light.

Friday, August 20, 2010

"Grammy" Oil on Canvas 6 x 6 available

  In this painting, another in the series of children at the beach, a scene well known to grandmas of every age is captured.  A young grandson and his grandma are walking along the beach. He stops calls out to his grandma.  Her head is turned towards him, his head is imploring up to his grandma. Does he want the juice that he just gave to her to hold? Does he want her to pick him up? Regardless of his desire one can be assured that grammy will do his beckoning. The red of grandma's top is contrasted with the green of her grandson. The top of his head, with bright sunlight bleaching the top, draws our attention as it is turned up to his grandma. Notice his left hand and hand slightly angled from his torso, prepared to ask his question.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Thrill of Sand OIl on Canvas 6 x6 $75

  Youngsters enjoy playing in the sand-for little ones it is the discovery of the sensation of dropping the sand onto oneself. So despite the presence of the blue pain (contrasted with the orange shovel) which is a focal point in the painting, our little friend insists on pouring the sand onto himself, while our pail sits empty and ignored. The water in the background is blended into the sand and helps in defining the scene but is not a critical component to our painting.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Making a Splash 6x6 oil on canvas $75

  This is another in the series children and the beach. Here I attempt to capture the glee of a young girl as she splashes in the water. Is she splashing just to make an impression, or perhaps a brother or friend is outside the canvas and she is attempting to splash them. Regardless, her body language is one of unabashed glee. The oil is over a loosely painted under painting of magenta acrylic. I have found myself gravitating to its use more frequently as it lends a nice glow to the painting.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Crossing Carefully 6x6 oil on canvas $60

     Unfortunately had a very difficult time photographing this painting. The blue is lighter than the painting itself and the colors appear more washed out than the original-despite multiple attempts to redo. Suspect that it has to do with my lighting setup-which actually does a good job for most. Regardless this is the first of a series of paintings of kids and water.  All done in a 6x6 format-deep canvas-frameless. All with similar themes. Watch for them over the next week as they get posted. Comments or emails are always welcome.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tranquil Dawn oil on canvas 16x20 $450

   You will notice that the composition and colors have changed from the earlier sizes. The sunrise is reflected to a greater extent in the clouds. A line of weeds and shrubs marking the end of a field moves from the viewers right to left leading the eye to the road and row of trees which bring one's attention to the focal point of the painting-the farmhouse with the single light in the upstairs bedroom and the sunrise. Also drawing the eyes are the brighter colors in the sky.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tranquil Dawn-Winter-(preliminary) oil on canvas 16 x20

  This is a preliminary painting of the previous compositions. You will notice that there are differences. with the increase in size of the canvas the farmhouse and barn take on a predominance that did not exist on the smaller canvas. The basic premise is the same-early sunrise, colors reflected on the snow with interruptions of the patterns by field rows and treelines.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Serenity of Dawn-2 oil on canvas 11x14 $275

   I have mentioned before that I will often take a composition or painting that I like and then explore making some changes in it, altering the size, the colors-sometimes alot and sometimes just experimenting with sky colors and hues a little. I might change the season as in the previous posting. All these are an attempt to experiment with color, configuration and composition. Do any of these changes make the painting more compelling, more interesting-pulling the viewer into the work? Compare this to the July 26th posting-different size, medium, and composition has changed, but the theme continues. My next posting over the next several days is a larger size of this theme-to 16x20 with some change in composition.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Autumn: In Brittany 11 x14 oil on canvas $375

  This composition is based on an early painting I did and posted last year. I have shifted the composition a little and changed the season to make it more autumn/late summer. The golds and rusts suggest the season-shadows are not long so it is still early in the season and early afternoon. The painting was done with both brush and palette knife.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Midwestern Winter Sunrise 8x10 Oil on board $125

  This painting captures the early morning sunrise on a midwestern field. There is a reflected gown from the ski onto the fields, additionally the sun is captured at the edge of the clouds as it peaks over the horizon. This color scheme is also the basis of several additional paintings of a midwestern farm field in varying sizes and compositions.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fall Invitation-III oil on linen canvas 4 x6 $45

    This second of two with white pumpkin as centerpiece. Maintaining the fall theme with the gourd and small pumpkins. Soft edges with a bit of an impressionist feel to it. The predominant colors are consistent with an autumn theme and the roses with bridal events.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fall Invitation-II oil on linen canvas 4 x6 $45

   This is the third in the series and the first of the white pumpkin as centerpiece. The autumn mums blend well with the other fall colors represented in the painting. This was done with simplified palette and using both brush and knife with a predominance of the brush.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fall Invitation oil on linen canvas 4 x6 $45

  This is the second of 4 with the fall theme. Like the first the use of the birch bark log as the vase for the flowers. Here the flower arrangement is more vertical rather than horizontal. Both use the portrait feature as they are decided for use as a card for a bridal shower. The palette knife was the predominate tool used in this painting.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

For Katie's Bridal Shower oil on linen 4x6 NFS

   My middle daughter is getting married this fall. Which means the bridal shower is looming. My wife thought it would be nice if I painted a thematic centerpiece and then had cards made of the painting for the invitation. The painting itself would reside in a shadow box with a collection of other things from the wedding. Well this is the last of 4 that were done-the other three will be posted over the next few days. All of which utilized an autumn theme-as you will see. The others are for sale. All done with brush and palette knife on linen canvas paper

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sailing to Summer oil on canvas 11 x 14 $175

    No wind on a hot summer night, sunset. Rather than sailing drop anchor and enjoy the spectacle. The colors are bright and warm in the sky and reflected in the cool colors of the water. I utilized predominately a palette knife for the application of color and then a wider brush for the blending of the colors.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Erice Sicily 11x14 oil on canvas -sold

  This scene from the old fortress city of Eraci in the northwest region of Sicily depicts some of the old ruins on the top of the mountain and just beneath. There are old Norman fortifications and an ancient church at the heights. The narrow streets and the vistas make for a beautiful scene. Here an old castle sitting on the cliff, is the focal point, the path leading ones eye to the castle. In this work I painted the castle first and then the ruins on the mountain-I wanted them to be an important feature as well. The rest of the painting then followed with the last being the background off to the left as one views the canvas, that was the least important part of the work for me, but did add a depth of field and sense of height to the mountain city

Sunday, July 18, 2010

odgen dunes late afternoon oil on canvas 11 x14 $150 unframed

   This painting, completed captures a dune scene in the Odgen Dunes in Indiana. Paths to the beach intersperse the dune grasses and as the sun sets in the west grazes the top of the grasses, casting cool shades. Looking north it appears that Lake Michigan can go forever. The lake, the sky and the beach were done with palette knife while the dune grasses were completed with brush. There may still be some additional changes to this painting-I may be redoing the grasses-attempting perhaps to have the tops a bit more orange. I do revisit paintings after they have been sitting for sometime. May rework them or even paint over them. Some I have done multiple times-perhaps it is a composition or arrangement that I like, would like to do it larger, or perhaps with a different color scheme, or even an alternate emphasis.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Odgen dunes-late afternoon step 3 11x14 oil on canvas

 Typically I will work the sky and background first and then the midground-finally finishing up on the foreground-back to front.  In water paintings that seems to work best for me-however there are other paintings where I might do the midground to foreground, leaving the background to last. Often the focal point is in the midground-and if I really want to emphasize that I will do that first and move from there. In a painting that will be posted next week that was my technique-and I will point it out during the comments as well.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Odgen Dunes-late afternoon Step 2 11x14 oil

  In this step the early underpainting of values with the magenta is followed by thin color. The lake is now blue, the sky a light yellow/gold, the sandy beach tan and the dune grass green. This serves as a coloring of the canvas with color-certainly not final colors, tones and values, but affords an opportunity to assess where the process is. Since the paint is still thin, lightly applied it is easy to change and adjust.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Odgen Dunes-late afternoon 11 x 14 preliminary

 It has been a while since I posted-have been painting but not being real good about taking photos.  Also if not sure about the painting have not been keeping them. Working a bit on compositional sketching which ultimately lends itself to painting. In any case I love the process and to demonstrate the development of a painting. Often they evolve markedly from how they began. This is a magenta acrylic underpainting done with Lukas acrylic studio paint. Loose lines-highlighting the lights and darks only. Even though the sea is hardly magenta it adds an interesting color

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ravello on the Amalfi Coast 11 x 14 Oil on Canvas $250

  The Amalfi coast is world renowned for its beauty and magnificence. The sea, the lighting, architecture and mountains all serve to provide the one-of-a-kind beauty of this Italian coastline. Of the towns along this rugged coast none compare to the beauty of Ravello-perched high above the coast with beautiful buildings, narrow streets and views without comparison it is truly a marvel to behold. This scene is from a street above the main square looking west.This was done with an acrylic underpainting of magenta and indian yellow with sequential layers of oils applied with brush then painting knife.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fruit Stand in Taromina 8x10 oil $150

The flag but the stand as well as the banner above were scenes from a fruit stand in Taromina in Sicily. The warm bright colors the flags and the fruit are striking contrasts to the cool shadows on this narrow street. The window in background as thick shutters to keep out the heat in the afternoons. Look for more paintings of the some of the scenes captured on the recent trip to Sicily and the Salerno and Amalfi region of Itlay.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Novice Chef 8x 10 on canvas $125 unframed

  This impressionist style work of a student chef is for a show that is being held in July at the local Art Center and gallery here in Palos-the McCord Gallery. The theme of the show is student chefs. All of whom attend a local college- Morris-which offers a popular culinary arts program. This culinary arts student is preparing a dish-the work is done with painting knife and all edges are soft and blurred. The palette was composed of only 3 colors-and white-therefore a very unified painting. There is just a splash of color to offset the predominately blue, violet, and white. Our eyes are held onto our student chef.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sicilian Sunrise 8 x10 oil $175-framed

  The morning sun as it entered the courtyard in the Sicilian agriturissimo that we stayed in near Palermo in Sicily seemed to make the entrance glow. This was done with painting knife using a very limited palette. The countryside in Sicily is beautiful and unlike Tuscany, not overwhelmed with tourists. The food and the people were also wonderful. More paintings will be posted upon completion.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Unfinished Oil on canvas 11 x14 $250

  Been a long time since I last posted-had been extremely busy and then went to Sicily and southern Italy-brought back lots of ideas for paintings that will begin this weekend. Now that summer is here there are additional responsibilities beyond painting-hope to get some more plein air paintings done this summer. This work began as a loose study in color and then evolved into this interesting piece. For those who had been following my work realize that is outside my usual comfort zone. Am trying to challenge myself to use more color and perhaps be a tad less conventional and tonal (in at least some of my work).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gore Range Trail 2-Finished 16 x20 oil on canvas $450 unframed

     The painting is finished-you can see the evolution from start to finish with some refinements to completed portions-especially in the sky. The ground, with predominance of the rusts and oranges with just a hint of green gives the feel of an upper elevation meadow after nights of frosts and lessening sunlight. I have changed the composition somewhat from the previous Gore Range posted earlier. Let me know which composition you prefer.