Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Almost Done Oil on Panel 11x14 $200

This series will help to demonstrate the process of painting a painting. The monochromatic painting to the left is the underpainting to the finished painting below. In this underpainting-done with acrylic cerulean blue on a white gessoed panel, one can ees the proper perspective as well as the values (shading and highlights) that will assist in the final painting. You can see even in the sketched (done loosely with a light brush and thinned paint) painting how the final will 'turn out.' After the underpainting it is simply a matter of deciding upon color-making adjustments and applying the details. You can see some of the adjustments-I made the lamppost thicker and the light rounder to add some color to that side of the canvas, I also made our lad a bit younger. At times deciding the composition poses the greatest challenge-after deciding- the rest flows. 

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